
周战强, 孟佳昕

中央财经大学学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5) : 25-36.

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中央财经大学学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5) : 25-36.


  • 周战强, 孟佳昕
作者信息 +

Occupational Prestige and Stock Market Participation: An Empirical Analysis Based on CFPS Data

  • ZHOU Zhan-qiang, MENG Jia-xin
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文章历史 +




There is a puzzle of limited participation in the stock market at home and abroad.We analyze empirically the impact of a householder's occupational prestige on her participation in the Chinese stock market and its mechanism using a probit model with the data of the China Family Panel Studies.The result shows that the higher the occupational prestige of the householder,the more likely she is to participate in the stock market.This result is still robust after considering endogeneity,replacing core variables,deleting extreme values,etc.Further mechanism analysis shows that the occupational prestige of the householder affects her participation in the stock market through her cognitive ability and risk preference.Therefore,the government should take measures to increase the upward mobility of occupation,and this will help to promote the participation of Chinese residents in the stock market.


股票市场 / 职业声望 / 市场参与

Key words

Stock market / Occupational prestige / Market participation


周战强, 孟佳昕. 职业声望与股票市场参与——基于CFPS数据的实证分析[J]. 中央财经大学学报, 2021, 0(5): 25-36
ZHOU Zhan-qiang, MENG Jia-xin. Occupational Prestige and Stock Market Participation: An Empirical Analysis Based on CFPS Data[J]. Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics, 2021, 0(5): 25-36
中图分类号: F830   


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