Figure/Table detail

A Study on the Mechanism of Bank Branch Access Deregulation Affecting Corporate Diversification:Empirical Evidences Based on Chinese City Commercial Bank Branches
Rong-li YUANG, Na JIANG, Yu-kun LI, Meng-yao LIU
Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics, 2024, 0(1): 117-128.  

变量 (1) (2)
WWi,t MCOSTi,t
Branch_Numj,t-1 -0.000 1**
0.000 2***
Sizei,t-1 -0.045 7***
-0.008 1***
Leveragei,t-1 0.018 3***
0.008 9***
ROAi,t-1 -0.221 4***
0.073 6***
Growthi,t-1 -0.000 9
-0.000 2
Top1i,t-1 -0.019 2***
0.000 4
Dualityi,t-1 -0.001 2
0.000 3
Boardi,t-1 -0.000 2
0.000 5***
Independencei,t-1 -0.012 6**
-0.000 0
GDP_Perj,t-1 -0.000 5***
0.000 2*
常数项 0.043 7***
0.208 7***
行业固定效应 已控制 已控制
年度固定效应 已控制 已控制
观测值数量 17 662 19 440
调整R2 0.670 0.309
表10 影响机理分析结果
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